DYNAMICS: Journal of Public Administration article drafts in the field of local government issues. Papers with the following topics (but not limited to): Public policies, urban city policies, legislation process, disaster management, conflict management, social empowerment, Corruption in Public Sector, Social Media and Politics, E- Public Services, Elections, and Political Parties, local politics, and local elites of a political party can be submitted. Submitted manuscripts will go through an initial review by the editor-in-chief and be forwarded to two reviewers. DYNAMICS applies a double-blind review practice. Thus, authors’ and reviewers’ identities are kept anonymous. Authors are welcome to submit name(s) of the prospective reviewer(s).

  • Editor in Chief: Anggara Setya Saputra, S. Sos, M. AP
  • ISSN (online): 2964-3228
  • Frequency: Quarterly

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DYNAMICS: Journal of Public Administration article drafts in the field of local government issues. Papers with the following topics (but not limited to): Public policies, urban city policies, legislation process, disaster management, conflict management, social empowerment, Corruption in Public Sector, Social Media and Politics, E- Public Services, Elections, and Political Parties, local politics, and local elites of a political party can be submitted. Submitted manuscripts will go through an initial review by the editor-in-chief and be forwarded to two reviewers. DYNAMICS applies a double-blind review practice. Thus, authors’ and reviewers’ identities are kept anonymous. Authors are welcome to submit name(s) of the prospective reviewer(s).

Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024): DYNAMICS: Journal of Public Administration

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56681/dynamics.v2i2

Published: 2024-07-31

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